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Sunday, December 20, 2009

What a bad day to begin with.. Dec21

What have I done wrong lately? Bad lucks trailed me no matter what I do. When I say bad luck, its real bad. First of all, the never ending hoo haas come bouncing again even after numerous peace settlement. Worst of all, all these always has to happen before I start my brand new working day :(. Secondly, today is suppose to be chrismas gift exchange party for my dept. And guess what, the person who was suppose to give me present is absent on MC today. I ended up being the only person in the dept without a pressie. OK, I am still cool... but the another stupid event followed up which totally dampen my spirit for the day. My lower left dental filling broke (fall out of place) when I am in the midst of enjoying pizza partly sponsored by me somemore for the dept christmas party. I should label myself as the most UNLUCKY person in the planet at the moment. I gotto pay a visit to the temple tonight so as to chase away whatever evil spirit that is dragging me down. How on earth can I convince myself that this is just my overly sensitive mindstate when all these dark event dont happen to anyone else but ME!

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